March 25, 2021
Meal pickup locations are listed below. 10-11 am Bruce Randolph, 3955 Steele St, Denver, CO 8020510-11 am Dr. Martin Luther King Early College, 19535 E 46th Ave, Denver, CO 8024910-11 am Evie Dennis Campus, 4800 Telluride St. , Denver, CO…Continue Reading
March 1, 2021
We’re pleased to have a new website to more easily share news and information about our school and students. As with all things new, we know there may be an adjustment period and we appreciate your feedback. Please let us…Continue Reading
February 3, 2021
Hello families, Godsman has been chosen to offer our entire staff the COVID – 19 vaccine on Monday, February 8. We are excited for this opportunity to create an even safer environment for your child. So that all staff can make their appointment,…Continue Reading