Category: News

Spirit Week!

District and Community Meeting

Please join us on zoom, Thursday, September 23rd for important updates from the district. There will be 3 sessions. 4:00 – 4:30 – Meeting in English 4:30 to 5:00 – Meeting in Spanish 5:00- 5:30 – Meeting in English and Vietnamese.Continue Reading

BESS Screener

Attention caregivers for students in 3-5th grade: We will be completing a social/emotional screener at Godsman called the BESS screener. This is a short survey that will take 10-15 minutes and will ask about how your student is feeling at homeContinue Reading

Vaccination Clinic

Oral Screening at Home

Dear Godsman Families, DPS cares about the health of your child. To support our efforts to identify health issues that may impact your child’s success and ability to learn, we are resuming our health screening program with in-person vision andContinue Reading

Hazel Health

Healthcare for all students at Denver Public Schools! Hazel Health has partnered with Denver Public Schools to expand student health services. When your student is feeling sick, they can connect with Hazel for same-day care. For more information, see Hazel HealthContinue Reading

Girls on the Run

Step by Step Guide to Student Registration

Please see this document for help with registering your student. You will need to login or create an account in Parent Portal. For information about the after school program, Leading Edge see

Heat Mitigation

We will continue updating this document:  Mask Requirements for the Start of School:  Masks will be required for all students, visitors, and staff while in all DPS schools and buildings, regardless of vaccination status. This mask requirement includes times whenContinue Reading

Important Updates

All students will register online this year using Parent Portal. 2. Godsman is accepting new students this year! We would love to have you join our school! School of Choice 3. ECE 3- ECE 4 year old programs are acceptingContinue Reading

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