Category: News

Winter Festival/ Festival de Invierno

Thanksgiving Luncheon

A message from Nurse Laura

Free Computer Classes/ Talleres Gratuitos de Computación

Entrance and dismissal doors for students/Puertas de entrada y salida para estudiantes

Dino and Dragon Stroll – Free Student Tickets

Summer Connections

Enroll Now!Summer Connections is a FREE full day, 6 week program available in all DPS regions for ALL rising 1st-5th grade students that combines literacy, math, and science. Students will engage in hands-on enrichment experiences in STEM, Art and SparkContinue Reading

No School for ECE

March 11, 2022 – Teacher Work Day

Weekly Fresh Food Delivery

English Our school has partnered with Lifespan Local to collect fresh food products from local vendors, we will have different products every time we get food delivered  LIMITED food bags will be out for grabs out of the school building Continue Reading

Godsman Elementary Principal Announcement

January 21, 2022 Dear Godsman Elementary School Community,  We are excited to announce that Joana Gutierrez-Ocampo has been selected as the new principal of Godsman Elementary School for the 2022-2023 school year. We are confident Joana will build upon theContinue Reading

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