October 5, 2021
This week we are going to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. Classes will be reading books and creating a project to learn about Hispanic Heritage. Next Friday October 8 th we will have Ancestor day. Students can dress attires that represent…Continue Reading
October 1, 2021
Dear Families, Last Thursday we had an important parent meeting about the DPS Small School Initiative. Here are some points that were communicated in the meeting: 10 schools in the Southwest will be consolidated or combined. The consolidation is happening…Continue Reading
September 24, 2021
September 23, 2021
Please join us on zoom, Thursday, September 23rd for important updates from the district. There will be 3 sessions. 4:00 – 4:30 – Meeting in English 4:30 to 5:00 – Meeting in Spanish 5:00- 5:30 – Meeting in English and Vietnamese.…Continue Reading
September 15, 2021
Attention caregivers for students in 3-5th grade: We will be completing a social/emotional screener at Godsman called the BESS screener. This is a short survey that will take 10-15 minutes and will ask about how your student is feeling at home…Continue Reading
September 2, 2021
August 26, 2021
Dear Godsman Families, DPS cares about the health of your child. To support our efforts to identify health issues that may impact your child’s success and ability to learn, we are resuming our health screening program with in-person vision and…Continue Reading
August 20, 2021
Healthcare for all students at Denver Public Schools! Hazel Health has partnered with Denver Public Schools to expand student health services. When your student is feeling sick, they can connect with Hazel for same-day care. For more information, see https://my.hazel.co/dpsk12/info. Hazel Health…Continue Reading
August 18, 2021
August 5, 2021
Please see this document for help with registering your student. You will need to login or create an account in Parent Portal. For information about the after school program, Leading Edge see https://godsman.dpsk12.org/about-godsman/leading-edge/